So this month has been a busy one. I'm not even going to lie. Between school, work, and wanting to produce content on NG things have been pretty crazy. This month I submitted my frist few animations ever for a few collabs: "The 5 Second" Collaboration and the "Worst Halloween Ever" Collaboration.
I know they aren't the best animations ever but, hey, I guess I can only improve from here. Also the quality on my Halloween submission was greatly lowered to compromise for file size so watch it in high quality Here.
Other than that, I am working on an animation for class that should be done in about 3 weeks, so I'll upload that here when I'm done with that also.
How was everyone's Halloween? I dressed up as Pikachu this year and partied all weekend. On actual Halloween I hung out with Frozenfire for scary movies and pizza. So, I wanna know what you
all did! Comment below and tell me about all the fun you had! I really wanted to trick or treat this year, but being in a college town there aren't many places to go.
I also have an art show tomorrow, so I'm excited about that, I'll post some of the pieces I'll be selling.
That is all. Become a fan, stay updated. I love you....