Peep my site for demos: http://ethangallardo.squarespace.com/acting

Ethan @GoodBoyEthan

Age 33, Male

Voice Actor

Texas A&M University


Joined on 3/28/12

Exp Points:
1,344 / 1,350
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.36 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
6y 9m 30d

GoodBoyEthan's News

Posted by GoodBoyEthan - December 5th, 2012

For Matt Ackerman (FrozenFire) ...jk
I'm getting ready to study abroad in about a month and I'm not going to get to see this
guy for a whole semester. Sad day.

On a side note the Minecraft series that I voiced two characters and did the music for is on the front page right meow.

I love you guys!

I'm gay...not really (Update)

Posted by GoodBoyEthan - November 22nd, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy it with family
and the ones you love. Life is what you make it. It really is. This is my first time home in at
least 6 months, and things have been really different since my parents divorced this
summer, but this is still my home and this is still my family and I've never been happier to be here.

Also, I have an update video out that is somewhat an overview of what I've been up to these last two months. Plus a few little previews including the upcoming YouTube series that I'm voicing in called "MineTales".

I'm also working on a few little flash projects, one about dogs in space and the other being a Megaman parody. I'll have them out when I can. Check it out and send me some love. You guys are awesome. God bless and have a great Turkeyday Newgrounds!!!

Posted by GoodBoyEthan - November 1st, 2012

So this month has been a busy one. I'm not even going to lie. Between school, work, and wanting to produce content on NG things have been pretty crazy. This month I submitted my frist few animations ever for a few collabs: "The 5 Second" Collaboration and the "Worst Halloween Ever" Collaboration.

I know they aren't the best animations ever but, hey, I guess I can only improve from here. Also the quality on my Halloween submission was greatly lowered to compromise for file size so watch it in high quality Here.

Other than that, I am working on an animation for class that should be done in about 3 weeks, so I'll upload that here when I'm done with that also.

How was everyone's Halloween? I dressed up as Pikachu this year and partied all weekend. On actual Halloween I hung out with Frozenfire for scary movies and pizza. So, I wanna know what you
all did! Comment below and tell me about all the fun you had! I really wanted to trick or treat this year, but being in a college town there aren't many places to go.

I also have an art show tomorrow, so I'm excited about that, I'll post some of the pieces I'll be selling.

That is all. Become a fan, stay updated. I love you....

Happy (post) Halloween: Updates and Magic

Posted by GoodBoyEthan - October 21st, 2012

Not quite the super slumber party that Oney and Stamper had, but still some good ol' fun times.
This weekend Newgrounds game developer and animator FrozenFire and I had a sleep over, choc' full of pizza, drinks and video games. Unfortunately I was the one who fell asleep first (I was so dang tired!!!) so I guess that makes me the lame one.

I finally got my cintiq all set up and ready to go. Oh man, it makes animating SO much easier.
I'm looking forward to putting out some content out soon with it.

Me and the glorious Veselekov will be trying to squeeze out a Halloween
flash at light speed this week because we both wanted to submit something this year for the seasons. I'll keep you posted on that as well! :)

Thanks to all of you that have recently become my fans! Everyone here is amazing and I love y'all like a fat kid loves cake!

Sleepovers and Fun!!! (NG Edition)

Posted by GoodBoyEthan - October 15th, 2012

Gotta click this first!
SO! This weekend was Game Jam. It was my frist experience doing anything like this, but lucky for me Tyler was kind enough to let me on his team. It was super fun to see how everyone worked so so hard to put out a great final product, which you can check out here: Lumberjack VS Treehuggers. REMEMBER! This game was made in only 48 hours, which I am very impressed by my team for all their hard work. Check it out and give us some love.

Also, today is my good friend Frozenfire's birthday! So be sure to send your birthday wishes his way!!!!

For more updates be sure to like my Facebook Page: EthanAlways and follow me here on Newgrounds

G-G-G-Game Jam!!!!! If you don't check this out you're dumb

Posted by GoodBoyEthan - October 3rd, 2012

So as many of you know this past week NG held Movie Jam 2, which was a great success from what I've seen

from other teams. I'd like to congratulate all teams who participated! Every one put out some awesome stuff!

With that said, I'm proud to have participated, myself. Upon approaching the end of the year (almost a year

from when I first joined) I am so glad to have been involved in Movie Jam and had the opportunity to work

with some truly talented people, making my first year one to remember as I look forward to many more.

Team Look How Funky They Are consisted of redminus, Veselekov, and myself: EthanAlways.

And I must say with all being said and done I am incredibly proud of our teams over all product.

If you haven't seen our new creation check it out and send a little love our way! Also Too Scared To Poop!

Be sure to support by following me and my team! ----> FOLLOW!

Look How Funky They Are: New Toon! Movie Jam 2!

Posted by GoodBoyEthan - September 14th, 2012

Thats right! I've kinda kept away from putting music content on Newgrounds, but have recently received some

encouragement to give it a go. This song I uploaded is from my solo project, The Renegade Window-Washer, and consists of

crazy, chaotic, deathcore influenced, electro music. You should give it a listen, HERE

And check out the music video HERE

If you like what I do, or would like me to voice act for you then please let me know! I'm also looking to collaborate with

other musicians here on NG! Lastly don't forget to BECOME A FAN! http://ethanalways.newgrounds.com/follow

I am now uploading music!!!

Posted by GoodBoyEthan - August 7th, 2012

Just kidding...He lives like down the street from me. Some weekend chill time was definitely needed.
If you don't know this illustrious cool cat check him out here! and play some of his awesome games!

OMG I met FrozenFire today!!!

Posted by GoodBoyEthan - July 28th, 2012

Hey guys! EthanAlways, here.

I've finally added a newer voice acting demo to my page.

This demo includes my most recent voice overs and auditions that I've used for a few Newgrounds animators.

Listen Here

Thanks for listening & don't forget to press that fan button!

Posted by GoodBoyEthan - July 20th, 2012

So I started a flash, got lazy, and put it on the back burner...until this past week. I am now moving forward at

full speed and am about 75% percent done.

All I need now are a few in-betweens, backgrounds, and my final voice over. No biggie.

Also I'd like to congratulate my good friend veselekov for hitting his 50 fan mark! Kudos to you man!

Almost Done!!!