Hey all you lovely people. This is just an update that is long over due...like really long.
I'll make this quick.
So right now I'm working on a parody based on the anime DeathNote that should be wrapping up pretty soon
once I get all of my school work out of the way. I'll attach a screen shot as proof that I'm working ha ha
I recently helped voice a cartoon created by No Brainer that you can totally check out right here.
I also have a TON of ideas to animate including a League of Legends and Pokemon mash up that will hopefully be a small series, and a few other original ideas. I'm also thinking about doing a short series called, "Christian Confessions," that will focus on many questions people have about God, and Christianity in general. I think my first topic might be on Grace and Redemption, or perhaps hypocrisy in Christianity. Either way, I'm hoping to debunk some of these misunderstandings and bring it back to what really matters about "religion", which is a relationship with Christ.
I do realize that this probably won't be a very popular idea among the community, but it's something I want to do so I don't really care. I just hope people are willing to be as open minded with my beliefs as I am with theirs.
I'm almost done with my semester here in Germany, and to be totally honest, I'm ready to get back to the states. There are a few things that I miss, but nothing that is totally killing me to go back. It'll just be nice to see all of my friends and family in the states. It really has been a pleasant semester, but school has been super brutal and I'm just about ready to get back soon. I miss my dog and my brother a lot. ha ha I'm also excited for next semester because I plan on taking a game development, game design, and web design class, so I hope all of that works out!!!
Any ways, I hope to hear from people soon, and keep your eyes open for upcoming animations, and other voiced projects.
Thanks and God Bless!!!