Not quite the super slumber party that Oney and Stamper had, but still some good ol' fun times.
This weekend Newgrounds game developer and animator FrozenFire and I had a sleep over, choc' full of pizza, drinks and video games. Unfortunately I was the one who fell asleep first (I was so dang tired!!!) so I guess that makes me the lame one.
I finally got my cintiq all set up and ready to go. Oh man, it makes animating SO much easier.
I'm looking forward to putting out some content out soon with it.
Me and the glorious Veselekov will be trying to squeeze out a Halloween
flash at light speed this week because we both wanted to submit something this year for the seasons. I'll keep you posted on that as well! :)
Thanks to all of you that have recently become my fans! Everyone here is amazing and I love y'all like a fat kid loves cake!
Dude freaking adventure time.
I like how there's a lens flare coming down from the top left corner....looks like I'm shooting a laser from my eye.