Was good seeing you there! Sorry you came home to bad news, you weren't the only one... I came home to find my front door open, and half my cat's ear missing! Don't be afraid to walk around with your portfolio and ask for management wherever you go - even doing menu chalkboards, simple graphics and little pick-up jobs can get you noticed for bigger things.
Thanks for coming to Pico Day! It really is cool how people from NG just instantly feel like childhood friends when you meet them. I even have this thing where I consider people friends when I've never actually TALKED to them, I've just observed them / featured their stuff over the years without realizing we never interacted 1:1. I just hope they feel the love too :)
Sorry to hear about the job but hopefully it will be the opening of a door to something cooler! Outside of the lease obligations, how do you like living in Dallas?
I'm actually really enjoying myself here in Dallas. I grew up in a really small town and living in a big city has always been a pleasant idea to me. There are tons of things to do and see here, I'm still trying to figure out where everything is!!!